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All prices are indicated in euros and leva including VAT. Prices for goods are indicated without delivery costs. Prices for products with quantity discounts can be obtained by sending an individual request by e-mail.


  • Cash on delivery (only for Bulgaria)
  • PaySera
  • PayPal
  • bank transfer


Around Bulgaria

Онлайн магазин използват за доставки куриерска фирма „СПИДИ“ и ЕКОНТ, които доставят пратки до всяка точка на страната.
The price of the courier service is determined according to the tariff of the courier company Speedy and Econt and depends on the locality to which the shipment will be sent, the volume and weight of the ordered products.

The shipping cost cannot be combined with the total amount of the ordered goods!

The transport service is automatically generated by the Econt or SPEEDY system depending on different locations in different localities. If you would like to know the cost of transportation services, our team can inform you after creating your order.

Всички пратки имат опцията „отвори преди да платиш“! Моля, преглеждайте пратките пред куриера, който ви доставя пратката!
Complaints about the shortage and damage to the goods are accepted only when the parcel is inspected in the presence of the courier!

Dear customers, from 06/01/2022 all shipments will be sent by PPP - Postal Money Order. You will not find a cashier's check in your shipments. The document certifying the goods you purchased is a cash receipt and a receipt issued by the courier. In case you do not receive them, please contact the courier immediately.

Shipping to the EU

price (BGN) price (BGN) price (BGN) price (BGN) price (BGN) price (BGN)
up to 1 kg 7,54 9,42 26,57 13,31 13,31 13,31
up to 2 kg 8,23 10,91 30,05 14,69 14,69 14,69
up to 3 kg 8,92 10,91 33,53 16,08 16,08 16,08
up to 4 kg 16,7 16,7 37,37 36,44 51,06 72,95
up to 5 kg 16,7 16,7 40,84 36,44 51,06 72,95
up to 7 kg 21,05 21,05 43,74 60,77 81,48
up to 10 kg 26,11 26,11 43,74 60,77 81,48
up to 20 kg 34,12 34,12 43,74 60,77 84,89
over 20 kg 34.12 + 1.76 for each additional kilogram over 20 34.12 + 1.76 for each additional kilogram over 20 43.74 to 31.5 kg 60.77 to 31.5 кг 84.89 to 31.5 кг
Prices include VAT and fuel tax    
Type and rate of the parcel Between Econt offices From and to the Econt office / To and from the client From and to the client
  BGN, with VAT BGN, with VAT BGN, with VAT
Documents 11,88 13,55 15,1
Parcels with tariff weight*
up to 1 kg 13,18 14,98 16,77
from 1 to 2 kg 14,37 16,18 17,97
from 2 to 5 kg 19,77 21,56 23,37
from 5 to 10 kg 34,15 35,94 37,74
from 10 to 15 kg 52,11 53,91 55,71
from 15 to 20 kg 70,08 71,89 73,68
from 20 to 50 kg 70.08 + 3.00 for each kg over 20 kg 71,89 + 3.00 for each kg over 20 kg 73,68 + 3.00 for each kg over 20 kg
Type and rate of the parcel For all localities in Romania For all localities with a ECONT office in Romania
From and to the client From and to the Econt office Between Econt offices
From and to the client
  BGN, with VAT BGN, with VAT BGN, with VAT
up to 1 kg 14,4 13,19 11,98
from 1 to 2 kg 18,03 16,82 14,4
from 2 to 5 kg 21,66 20,45 18,03
from 5 to 10 kg 28,92 27,47 25,05
from 10 to 15 kg 36,18 34,61 32,19
from 15 to 20 kg 44,65 42,96 40,54
from 20 to 50 kg 44.65 + 1.20 per kg from 20 kg to 50 kg 42,96 + 1.08 per kg from 20 kg to 50 kg 40,54  + 0,96 per kg from 20 kg to 50 kg

A standard package consists of one or more parts with a total weight of up to 50 kg. Each part of the parcel can have a maximum dimensions of 90 x 90 x 90 cm
